A handful of useful words and phrases that will make your Glasgow life easier.
Aboot - About
Hows aboot we huv a fish supper fur tea (I consider it a very good idea that we have a healthy serving of fish and chips for our dinner.)
Act it - Behave badly
Yer no' gettin' oany sweeties so stop acting it (Darling, mummy is unable to purchase you a maga size Mars Bar, so stop having that tantrum in the supermarket isle and knocking over those boxes of eggs.)
Aff - Off
Ah'm aff tae the pub (I am going for a short visit to our local hostelry - I'll be back in about a week.)
Ain - Own
That's ma ain wee car so it is (I stole this Vauxhall Nova last night.)
A wee meenit - A short period of time
Ah'll be ready tae go oot in a wee meenit (I am going to have a bath, phone some friends, put on my make-up, choose a dress to wear - - - I will see you in about 3 hours and yes - we will be late for the theatre.)
Blootered - Drunk
Payday! Let's git blootered (It's Friday and we have been paid - let's go to the pub and stay there until we have wasted all our hard earned money.)
Cannae / Cannie - Can't
Used in the phrase ‘ah cannie’ which translates literally as ‘I am too bloody lazy to’. Typical examples of usage are: “Ah cannie get oot of bed.”; “Ah cannie get a job.”
Cauld - Cold
See me, Ah wiz cauld but noo Ah'm caulder (The duvet has fallen off the bed but I'm too intoxicated to have the dexterity to put it back on.)
Chuffed - Pleased/Happy
Ah'm dead chuffed Ah passed ma exams (I got a D in English and an E in Domestic Abuse - so I am off to the pub to celebrate.)
Deid - Dead/In trouble
See you wee man - you're deid (You have annoyed me by merely being in my presence and must now suffer my wrath.)
Eejit - Idiot
Thon wee eejit Davie McIver hus goan and joined MENSA (I hate Davie McIver!)
Fag - Cigarette
Geeze a fag mate? (Hello stranger, you may not know me but I am of sound character. I was wondering if perchance you had a cigarette about your person which was surplus to requirements?)
Fella - Man/Boyfriend
Huv ye goat a new fella? (Bloody Hell - is that you on to marriage number eight!)
Haw - Hey
A general way of attracting someone's attention
Ither - Other
Naw, no that yin, yer ither yin (That is the not the correct one - the other one that you possess would be preferable.)
Jammy bastard - Someone who is lucky
Jimmy - The universal name for any random person you meet in the street.
Ken - To know
Dae ye ken any words stertin' wae K? (Pass the dictionary.)
Kinna? - Can I?
Kinna huv a wee kiss hen? (If I put my false teeth in will you give me a snog?)
Laddie - Boy
Midgie - A wee insect with a massive bite.
Missis - Mrs (the Wife)
Me an' the missis ur havin' a romantic night in the night (Tonight's the big night - a couple of fish suppers and the Rangers - Celtic game on the telly - what bliss.)
Muckin' aboot - Messing about / doing nothing in particular
Ah maw, Ah wiz jist muckin' aboot (Sorry mum, I was just playing about at Faslane, I didn't mean to hit that nuclear submarine and sink it.)
Nae bother - No problem
Aye nae bother love Ah'll put the rubbish oot as soon as Ah can (No chance! Me lower myself to doing woman's work! Never!)
Our bit - The area where we live
Piece - Sandwich
Pollis - Police
Rattle yer cage - To become upset
Whit's rattled his cage?
Shoosh! - Be quiet!
Shoosh, Ah cannie hear masel' thing (Shut Up!!!!)
Swally - To partake in the drinking of alcohol
Will ye hae a wee swally? (Will you help me finish off these six bottles of malt whisky?)
Tattie - Potato
Ur/Urr - Are
Ur ye goin' tae the movies?
Voddies/Voddy - Vodkas
Gies two vodied fur ma burd (Give me two glasses of vodka and in exchange you can have my girlfriend.)
Wee - Small / Short / Generic prefix to anyone's name - eg Wee Jimmy
Weegie - A person who lives in Glasgow
Ya Dancer - Exclamation of delight used when something really good happens
Oh ya dancer I jist wun two quid (What a lucky person I am - I put on a tenner on the Instant Lottery and I have managed to get a ticket with a £2 prize.)
Source: www.glaswegian.info
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